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Competition Benchmarking

Compare your sustainability practices and KPIs to industry peers and competitors with ease

ESGgo’s robust benchmarking tool presents a comprehensive breakdown of industry peers’ and competitors’ ESG performance and KPIs
Users can choose from a catalog of companies and view detailed ESG quantitative and qualitative parameters
ESGgo tool scans and extracts ESG data points from public, primary and verified sources, allowing you to compare companies based on similar metrics and scales


Growth Opportunities
Gain insights from your peers' and competitors' sustainability performance, identifying opportunities for growth in your own ESG journey. Transform insights into actionable efforts, driving meaningful progress.
Time Savings and Accessibility
Save valuable time by avoiding the need to sift through numerous reports. With ESGgo's benchmarking tool, access comprehensive graphs, data and stories in a single view, simplifying the process of clipping relevant information into your management and board presentations.