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Meet our Team- Yariv Nir

Yariv has ample experience in assimilating organizational processes and leading digital transformations. Here is his take on the ESG transformation happening in companies.

Prior to joining the founding team at ESGgo as COO, Yariv concluded a long career at the IDF as the Commander of the C4I corps and the Chief of staff at the J6 & Cyber Defense Directorate.

Behind Yariv’s humble demeanor and warm smile is a former brigadier general who had many soldiers under his command and has abundant experience in formulating technological strategies in changing environments and managing and operating large systems and extensive infrastructures.

As we have come to learn, implementing ESG practices in organizations is often not only an organizational adjustment but a technological challenge as well. As Yariv’s specialty is assimilating organizational processes and specifically leading digital transformations, here is his take on the ESG transformation in companies.

What parallels do you see between your previous experiences in the IDF and the ESG current?

I was a part of an extensive and significant digital transformation in the IDF, and the main parallel I see is how reliable data contributes enormously to improved decision-making. Decision-making based on real-time data is crucial for the military; when things happen very fast, you need to be able to act with agility and precision. In the ESG space, when we see social injustices and environmental declines, acting fast is just as important and making real-time data-based decisions can have an effect not only on your company but on your suppliers, your customers, and your whole community as well.

Implementing ESG practices based on improved decision-making can have amazing ripple effects that can benefit in many ways.

What lessons do you carry with you that apply here as well?

The main lesson is that change has to start from the top management in order to truly succeed. Only when the chief of staff decided to change the effectiveness of our operations by incorporating a digital transformation did true momentum start. The same applies to organizations- we see that when CEOs and other top management executives decide to prioritize ESG in the company, we see a massive improvement in performance in all the relevant areas.

Companies that only focus on their annual ESG report are missing out on a great opportunity. Only when implementing ESG practices into the day-to-day culture and setting appropriate KPIs can you create a more significant impact and make a better world- this is not just a cliche.

What is your favorite thing about working at ESGgo?

Without a doubt, the amazing team working every single day to bring creative solutions to solve challenges.

What is your motto?

I borrowed this one- Planning is Everything. The Plan is Nothing.

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