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How can ESGgo Help VCs and PEs with ESG Leadership?

Given the broad nature of ESG and the general complexity of reporting mandates, ESG disclosure practices can become quite challenging. This challenge is even more substantial as a Venture Capital or a Private Equity that wishes to manage its portfolio. This vibrant environment calls for new solutions to give VCs/PEs a better way to expand their ESG impact. Let's see how ESGgo's platform can help.

Over the last few years, we have seen an eager interest in how companies manage their ESG: environmental, social, and governance. Environmental measures consider how a company performs as a guardian of nature, and social standards examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company's leadership, executive pay, audits, and shareholder rights. 

Given the broad nature of ESG and the general complexity of reporting mandates, ESG disclosure practices can become quite complicated

This challenge is even more substantial as a Venture Capital or a Private Equity that wishes to manage its portfolio. This vibrant environment calls for new solutions to give VCs/PEs a better way to expand their ESG impact. Let's see how ESGgo's platform can help.

What are we doing?

ESGgo is building the first enterprise operating system for ESG. 

These are the main components of our platform that can help you manage your portfolio:

Data Collection & Workflow Management

ESGgo's proprietary and powerful data engine helps companies collect hundreds of ESG data points from across the organization, normalizing and standardizing them according to the different reporting frameworks.

Instead of manual data entry into spreadsheets, ESGgo's platform automates data collection and reporting across organizations.

It is critical when you are coming to manage a portfolio of companies. You can assign tasks per company and see the data flowing in real-time. It saves you time and effort and enables you to manage the process and work against your KPIs.

Reports and actionable dashboards

As we know that "you can't manage what you can't measure" - Customized dashboards and reports will help you identify material ESG issues for your portfolio or specific company.

ESGgo platform will allow you to manage an impactful firm-wide ESG strategy and support decision-making with a bird's eye view.

You can slice and dice the information per company or compare companies from the same industry. Each company in your portfolio can measure itself against other companies or external competitors. It's helpful when you need to understand what is the 'standard' or what the goals should be.

Benchmark with your portfolio companies’ competitors

ESGgo benchmarking capability presents you with competitors' ESG status. 

You can choose companies and view detailed ESG quantitative and qualitative parameters. Our platform scans and extracts the ESG data points from verified sources and allows you to compare companies on similar metrics and scales. 

It will save your team valuable time instead of reviewing hundreds of reports. Our platform not only scans and fetches the ESG data from around the web but also normalizes it. This capability gives you the power to compare 'apples to apples’ which is a critical success factor.

With these real-time dashboards, you can guide your portfolio companies and set shared goals as you can see the leaders in each sector.

AI-Insights and gap analysis

The system will provide tailored recommendations for setting KPIs, enhancing practices, and improving ESG standing against any reporting framework. 

You can see the voids for each company in your portfolio by looking at the rating agency reports in one normalized table.

ESGgo platform is leveraging ML to understand the low-hanging fruit in your ESG journey and present you with ways to improve your ESG score.


Innovative technology drives our approach to ESG management. Everyone in our global leadership team also comes to ESGgo with deeply personal motivations to improve the state of the world concerning the environment, social, and governance. 

If you think we can add value to your organization, please ping us at

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