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Charting a New Course for Responsible Business with ESGgo

Proud to announce the launch of ESGgo, the first purpose-built enterprise operating system for ESG.

The world is grappling with pressing and intertwined challenges—the pandemic, climate-related disasters, social unrest, conflict, and more. Many are now looking to the private sector to take responsibility for its impact and provide new, innovative solutions. It’s a generational shift toward a more inclusive, sustainable vision of value creation: stakeholder capitalism.

All businesses have a role in this new landscape. Yet many struggle to understand fast-changing expectations around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. For example, even as sustainability regulations take shape, there is still no single standard for reporting sustainability and social metrics. Similarly, within organizations, ESG data practices vary widely. As the stakes rise, the path forward remains muddled.

This dynamic environment calls for disruptive solutions. That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of ESGgo, the first purpose-built enterprise operating system for ESG. We envision our platform as a one-stop-shop solution for achieving ESG leadership. Instead of manual data entry into spreadsheets, ESGgo’s platform automates data collection and reporting across organizations. Customized dashboards and benchmarking will take the guesswork out of identifying material issues for your organization or industry. AI-powered insight engines will provide tailored recommendations for setting targets, enhancing practices, and improving ESG standing against any reporting framework.

ESGgo has operated in stealth mode over the past year, allowing us to build our team and begin working with select design partners. Now, we are thrilled to officially launch ESGgo with seed funding from Israel-based Glilot Capital, a leading funder of tech startups with an unparalleled reputation for building value and operational expertise, alongside several high-profile Silicon Valley angel investors. In the coming months, we will roll out our product to more users and expand its features and capabilities.

Technology drives our approach to reimagining ESG data collection, monitoring, and analysis. But everyone in our global leadership team also comes to ESGgo with deeply personal motivations. For me, ESGgo represents a unique opportunity to bring together my international experiences as an entrepreneur, strategy consultant, technologist and investment fund partner with my passion for bridging cultural divides and helping companies solve problems through transformative partnership.

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